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3. Text BAmerican Family Life: The Changing Picture

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《大学英语》课程标准(一)课程性质与任务课程性质:大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课程;它既是提高学生英语语言运用能力的课程,也是培养学生综合人文素养的重要课程。课程任务:使学生在基础教育阶段英语学习的基础上,进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力;在进一步发展综合语言运用能力的同时,着重提高用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。在教学的同时,进一步拓宽学生国际视野和增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感,为他们未来发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。(二)课程教学目标1.知识目标(1)学会使用4795个单词和700个习惯用语或固定搭配(含中学应掌握的词汇),其中约2000个单词为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上在口头和书面表达两个方面熟练运用的词汇。(2)能够掌握语法用法,学习、掌握基本语篇的篇章结构和逻辑关系。(3)熟悉我国一般社会生活的话题;了解有关英语国家人文历史等方面的话题。2.技能目标(1)听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟130~150词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧。(2)口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题用英语进行交谈,能经准备后就所熟悉的话题作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。(3)阅读理解能力:能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词。能就阅读材料进行略读和寻读。能借助词典阅读本专业的英语教材和题材熟悉的英文报刊文章,掌握中心大意,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材 料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。(4)书面表达能力:能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能在半小时内就一般性话题或提纲写出不少于120词的短文,内容基本完整,中心思想明确,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。(5)翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时约300个英语单词,汉英译速为每小时约250个汉字。译文基本准确,无重大的理解和语言表达错误。3.素质目标(1)真正地关爱每一个学生,重视对学生进行情感教育,培育学生健全的人格。(2)尊重学生个性差异,因材施教,让每一个学生都能够学有所获。(3)在扩大学生语言知识,增强学生语言运用能力的同时,注重提高其综合文化素养。(4)本着“为学生一生发展奠基”的原则,立足于培养“具有国际视野的二十一世纪人才”的目标,为学生未来发展和终身学习奠定良好基础。(三)参考学时:192 学时(理论128学时,实验实践64学时)(四)课程学分:12 学分(理论8学分,实验实践4学分)(五)课程内容和要求理论第一册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book   OneUnit   1Growing   Up教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AWriting for   Myself3. Text BThe Scholarship   Jacket 教学要求:1. Grasp   the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing)   and structure of the text (narration in chronological sequence).2. Appreciate   the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (selection of details, repetition   and coherence).3. Write   a letter of congratulations in an appropriate way.4. Master the key language points   and learn how to use them in context.1. 利用图片、欣赏歌曲的方式让学生探索什么是成长。2. 小组讨论,分工合作总结课文的中心思想和写作特点。3.通过一系列的翻译练习进一步巩固课文所学重点词汇和表达方式。42Book   OneUnit   2Friendship教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AAll the Cabbie   Had Was a Letter3. Text BNever Let a Friend Down教学要求:1. Grasp the mail idea (never   delay expressing your true feelings to a friend) and structure of the   text (developing a story around a letter).2. Appreciate that spoken   English is much more informal than written English.3. Express more freely on the   theme of Friendship.4. Write a personal letter in an   informal way.5. Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context.1.小组展示总结与友情相关的中外名句和格言。2. 分组朗读的方式了解英语中口语化的语言多为非正式语言。3. 通过写作练习让学生掌握更多的与友情相关的表达方式。43Book   OneUnit   3UnderstandingScience  教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text APublic Attitudes   Toward Science3. Text BHow to Make Sense out of Science教学要求:1. Understand the main idea (to ensure the survival of human   civilization, measures must be taken to help the public understand science)   and structure of the text (introducing a topic, developing the topic   with supporting details, supplying a conclusion).2. Appreciate the style differences between narrative writing   and expository writing.3. Write an exposition.4. Master the key language points   and learn how to use them in context.1. 通过多媒体视频、音频方式,让学生讨论科技给我们带来的益处和害处。2. 小组辩论,老师点评,让学生明白应对科学采用的正确态度。3. 通过文章实例展示的方式让学生了解记述文和说明文的不同之处。44Book   OneUnit   4The   AmericanDream教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A Tony Trivisonno’s   American Dream 3. Text BWith His Own Two Hands教学要求:1. Understand   the main idea (Tony Trivisonno realized his American Dream through his own   efforts) and structure of the text (one part telling the story of Tony’s   life and the other giving the author’s comments on it).2. Learn to describe a person by his/her characteristic features,   together with supporting details which demonstrate the features.3. Express more freely on the theme of Dream.4. Master the key language points   and learn how to use them in context.1观看美国梦影片,然后小组讨论的方式了解什么是真正的美国梦,美国梦和中国梦的异同点。2. 小组分工,按照时间顺序总结不同时期Tony的不同梦想。3. 通过写作练习学会如何概括文章内容。45Book   OneUnit   5Work   to Live or Live to Work教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AThe Company Man3. Text B You Might Be a Workaholic If…教学要求:1. Grasp   the main idea (the author tries to define a typical workaholic in the   American corporate world with the story of Phil) and structure of the text.2. Appreciate   the writing strategy and style demonstrated in the text (to set the tone of   irony by choice of words).3.   Express more freely on the theme of Work to Live or Live to Work.4. Master the key language points   and learn how to use them in context.1.小组展示课后作业的方式让学生们了解更多关于工作狂的背景知识。2. 小组辩论,工作与生活的关系。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。46Book   OneUnit   6Romance教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AA Valentine Story3. Text BThe Wallet教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea (the nature   of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive) and structure of the   text.2. Appreciate the narrative skills   demonstrated in the text (switch between tenses, change of narrators), some   rhetorical devices (simile and metaphor) and the use of informal language in   conversations.3. Conduct a series of reading,   listening, speaking and writing activities related to love and growth.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1.通过多媒体课件、图片的方式让学生掌握情人节的起源、风俗习惯等背景知识。2. 学生利用PPT的帮助分组展示这个关于John的浪漫故事。3. 让学生收集更多的关于浪漫故事的英语表达方式。47Book   OneUnit   7Animal   Intelligence教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A What Animals really think3. Text B Do Animals Fall in   Love? 教学要求:1 1. Understand the main idea (some animals   seem capable of thinking when it is in their own interests to do so) and   structure of the text (introduction, 3 subheadings to give 3 supporting   examples, conclusion). 2. Appreciate   the importance of examples in exposition.3. Conduct   a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to animal   intelligence.4. Master the key language points   and learn how to use them in context.  1.通过多篇听力练习,学生了解一些动物聪明智慧的小故事。2. 分析作文范例,让学生了解通过例证来论述观点的议论文的写作特点。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。48Book   OneUnit   8Educational   Problems教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AFable of the Lazy   Teenager3. Text BDitch he Calculator教学要求:1. Understand   the main idea (teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will seriously affect   themselves and society in general) and structure of the text (two parts—the   author’s concern and his proposed remedy).2. Learn   the way to write a cause-and-effect analysis.3. Conduct   a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities centered on   the theme of educational problems.4. Master the key language points   and learn how to use them in context.1. 小组辩论关于中西方教育的优缺点。2. 小组讨论目前我们中国教育存在的问题。3. 小组任务:制作PPT的方式介绍西方教育体系。4.范例展示因果关系的英文作文的写作。4第二册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book TwoUnit 1Ways of Learning教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A Learning, Chinese Style3.   Text BChildren and Money教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea (that would be ideal   if we could strike the balance between the Chinese and Western styles of   learning) and structure of the text (introduction of the topic by anecdote –elaboration   by comparison and contrast- conclusion by a suggestion).2. Appreciate the different ways to compare   and contrast (point by point method or one-side-at- a –time method).3. Write a notice in an appropriate way.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1. 小组辩论,中西方学习方式的优缺点。2. 通过快速阅读方式,学生把握整篇文章的写作特点并总结篇章结构。3. 运用课文作为实例向学生展示写作中如何运用对照和对比。42Book TwoUnit 2Values教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AA Life Full of Riches3. Text BThe Richest man in America教学要求:1.   Understand the main idea (despite his wealth, Sam Walton remains down-home   and devoted to his team) and structure of the text.2.   Appreciate the use of indirect description in portraying a person.3. Express themselves   more freely on the theme of values after doing a series of theme-related reading,   listening, speaking and writing activities.4. Master the key   language points and learn how to use them in context.1.小组讨论,学生从多方面了解“rich”的真正含义。2. 通过播放关于比尔盖茨和特蕾萨修女的视频,学生进一步理解富有的话题。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。43Book TwoUnit 3The Generation Gap   教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AFather Knows Better3.   Text BText Generation U R 2 Old  教学要求:1. Understand the main idea (Father   meddled in children's affairs with good intentions, but only to find his   efforts unwelcome) and structure of the text (three settings, three scenes).2. Appreciate the basic elements   of a play.3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking   and writing activities related to the theme of generation gap.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1. 学生分角色扮演,展示课文内容,亲身体会西方戏剧的特色。2. 以具体的英文剧本为例,说明剧本的要素。3. 小组分工 写英文短剧,并表演。44Book TwoUnit 4The Virtual World教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A A Virtual Life3. Text BMother’s Mad about the Internuts教学要求:1. Understand the main idea (despite the   many negative effects of virtual life, the author prefers it to real life)   and structure of the text (contrast between virtual life and real life).2. Learn some rules of interpreting new   vocabulary and usage related to computers and the Internet in English.3. Conduct a series of reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the virtual world.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1. 引导学生总结与网络相关的英文单词和各种表达方式。2. 小组讨论,网络给我们带来的优缺点。3. 利用课文单词为例子总结英文构词方式。  45Book TwoUnit 5Overcoming Obstacles教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text ATrue Height3.   Text BFourteen Steps教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea of the text   (dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success) and   structure of the text (narration with a flashback).2. Appreciate the narrative skills   demonstrated in the text (using details to bring out a character. a   surprising ending. use of puns).3. Conduct a series of reading, speaking   and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1.小组展示, 介绍奥运会有关的背景知识。2. 引导学生对体育相关的英语词汇进行分类记忆。3. 分组合作,分析文章中所使用的写作手段:插叙、双关和意外结尾。46Book OneUnit 6Women, Half the Sky教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AA Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can3.   Text BBeginning Anew教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea (the belief in superwomen encourages average   women to achieve their goals) and structure of the text.2. Appreciate how the author achieves   coherence for her essay.3. Conduct a series of reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1.通过多媒体课件、图片的方式让学生了解西方妇女解放运动相关的背景知识。2. 小组分工,找到课文中作者运用的过渡方式。3. 阅读更多的关于妇女运动的故事。47Book OneUnit 7Learning about English教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AThe Glorious Messiness of English3.   Text BThe Role of English in 21st   Century教学要求:1. 1. Understand the main idea (the development of the English   language) and structure of the text. 2. Understand some idiomatic English usages   mentioned in the unit3. Conduct a series of reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities related to English.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1.通过多篇听力练习,学生了解学习英语的益处。2. 引导学生总结更多的英语习惯用语。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。48Book OneUnit 8Protecting Our Environment教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AA Fable for Tomorrow3.   Text BExperts from Silent Spring教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea (lack of environmental   protection leads to tragedy, as illustrated by the fate of an imaginary town   in the heart of America) and structure of the text.2. Learn to distinguish supporting facts   from opinions, and to use both in their own writings.3. Conduct a series of reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities centered on the theme of environmental   protection.4. Master the key language points and learn   how to use them in context.1. 利用图片、视频展示我们面对的各种环境问题。2. 利用阅读理解练习让学生掌握观点和事实的区别。3. 小组课后完成调查报告:我们正面对的各种环境问题。4  第三册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book ThreeUnit 1Changes in the Way We Live教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A Mr.Doherty Builds His 3. Text BAmerican Family   Life: The Changing Picture教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea (tolerance for solitude and a   lot ofenergy made it possible for the   writer’s family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life).2. Appreciate the various techniques employed by the   writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentences followed by sentences   providing details, use of transitional devices, etc.).3. Master the key language points in Text A and learn   how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural background related to the   content.5. Express themselves more freely on the theme of   changes in the way we live after doing a series of theme-related reading,   listening, speaking and writing activities.6. Write an essay using   comparison and contrast.1. 让学生两两辩论城市和农村生活的不同,导入主题。2. 小组讨论,分工合作总结课文的中心思想和写作特点。3.通过一系列的翻译练习进一步巩固课文所学重点词汇和表达方式。42Book ThreeUnit 2Civil Rights Heroes教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text ACivil Rights Heroes3. Text BRosa   Parks: the Mother of the American Civil Rights Movement教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea (the heroes and the place of   the Underground Railroad in early civil-rights struggles in the US).2. Use library resources and other sources of   information.3. Master the key language points in Text A and learn   how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural background related to the   content.5. Express themselves more freely on the theme of Civil----Rights   Heroes after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and   writing activities.6.   Write a speech on the Civil----Rights movement in the US using library or   internet resources.1. 通过学生展示课后作业的方式,介绍美国民权发展历史上的重要人物及成就。2. 利用图片引导学生练习课文中出现的单词词组。3. 通过写作练习让学生掌握更多的与民权有关的表达方式。43Book ThreeUnit 3Security 教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AThe Land of the Lock3. Text BWhy I bought a Gun教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea (to make ourselves safe in the   society).2. Learn how to use facts to support one’s central   point of view.3. Master the key language points in Text A and learn   how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural background related to the   content.5. Express themselves more   freely on the theme of security after doing a series of theme-related   reading, listening, speaking and writing activity.1. 以展示课后作业的方式,让学生列出社会上需要防范的安全问题。2. 通过讨论,完成课文部分段落的学习,体会对比与对照。3. 根据图片的提示,完成文章摘要。44Book ThreeUnit 4The Imagination and Creativity教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A Was Einstein a space alien? 3. Text B AnecdotesaboutEinstein教学要求:1. Understand the main idea of Text A (Einstein was a   child of his time).2. Memorize words through association.3. Master the key language points in Text A and learn   how to use them in context.4. Express themselves more freely on the theme of Imagination and Creativity after doing   a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.5. Write an essay paying special   attention to unity.1. 让学生借助于多媒体课件课堂展示爱因斯坦与与诺贝尔奖,介绍今年诺贝尔奖的相关信息。2. 通过判断对错题,让学生学习如何快速准确掌握文章细节的阅读方法。3. 通过写作练习学会如何运用连接词。45Book ThreeUnit 5Giving Thanks教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AWriting   Three Thank-You Letters3. Text BThe   Power of Gratitude教学要求:1. Understand the main idea of Text A (most human   beings are longing in secret for more of their fellows to express   appreciation for their efforts hence, find the good and praise it).2. Memorize words through association.3. Master the key language points in Text A and learn   how to use them in context.4. Express themselves more freely on the theme of   Giving Thanks after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities.5. Write a thank-you letter.1. 通过多媒体视频、音频方式,让学生掌握感恩节的起源、风俗习惯等背景知识。2. 小组讨论,划分段落,归纳大意。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。4. 鼓励学生给父母写一封感谢信。46Book ThreeUnit 6The Human Touch教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AThe   Last Leaf3. Text BNight Watch教学要求:1. Understand the main idea (Old Behrman saved Johnsy’s   life at the expense of his own) and structure of Text A.2. Appreciate how the repeated use of clues helps   weave a piece of narrative together.3. Master the key language points in Text A and learn   how to use them in context.4. Express themselves more freely on the theme of The   Human Touch after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities.5. Write notes asking for leave. 1. 观看最后一片叶子的视频,让学生讨论文章主题。2. 学生分角色表演。3. 让学生查找文章中小说各种要素,学习欣赏英文小说。47Book ThreeUnit 7Making a Living教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text ALife of a Salesman3. Text BBricklayer’s Boy教学要求:1.Understand the main idea (Bill Porter the salesman   will never give in) and structure (four parts, two flashbacks).2. Appreciate the characteristics of journalistic   writing.3. Master the key language points in Text A and learn   how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural background related to the   content.5. Express themselves more freely on the theme of   Making a Living after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities.6. Write an advertisement.1.课堂活动:让学生向同学推销指定商品。2. 填写表格,让学生学习文章中按时间发展顺序描述以及插叙等写作方法。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。48Book ThreeUnit 8Cloning教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AA Clone is Born3. Text BSecond Thoughts on Cloning教学要求:1. Grasp the mail idea (that we   should have an objective attitude towards cloning technology. ) and structure   of the text (introduce a topic—set up an argument--analyze the two sides of   the argument –make an conclusion ). 2. Learn to read and write a persuasive   essay (the structure , and how to establish authority and make concessions   when writing. )3. Master key language points and   grammatical structures in the text.4. Conduct a series of reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.  1. 让学生观看视频,讨论有关克隆的相关问题。2. 通过抓取主题句来学习文章提纲。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。4. 展示范例英文辩论文章,学习写作方法。4  第四册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book FourUnit 1Growing Up教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A The Icy Defender3. Text B The Normandy Landings教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A.2. Do a comparison and contrast   between Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet   Union.3. Master the key language   points in Text A and learn how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural   background related to the content.5. Express themselves more   freely on the theme of Fighting with the Forces of Nature after doing a   series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.6. Write an essay paying special   attention to the use of evidence to support the topic sentence.1. 通过对灾害性天气的谈论导出天气对战争的影响。2. 课堂展示:描述战争过程,对比拿破仑和希特勒的相同点和不同点。3.通过一系列的翻译练习进一步巩固课文所学重点词汇和表达方式。42Book FourUnit 2Smart Cars教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text ASmart Cars3.   Text B Intelligent Vehicles教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the   text.2. Employ a variety of techniques in   expository writing( definition, quotation, a mixture of facts and opinions,   etc).3. Master the key language points and   grammatical structures in the text.4. understand the cultural background   related to the content.5. Conduct a series of reading, listening,   speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.自由写作:即使我能买得起车,我也不会买因为……。2. 在课后练习引导下,完成文章结构及段落主题的练习。3. 通过讨论,积累素材,完成写作练习。43Book FourUnit 3Job Interview 教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AGet the job you want3. Text B A   Mortal Flower教学要求:1. Learn some knowledge about   job interview.2. Grasp the main idea of the   structure of the text.3.Master the key language points   and grammatical structures in the text.4.Realize the importance of   examples in illustrating one’s points.5.Learn different ways to begin   an essay or a paragraph.6. Learn how to write an   application letter.1. 让学生展示作业:表演一段找工作应聘的场景。2. 填写表格,让学生总结段落开头的方式。3. 通过一系列的翻译练习进一步巩固课文所学重点词汇和表达方式。44Book FourUnit 4Globalization教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A In Search of Davos Man 3. Text BGlobalization, Alive and Well教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A.2. Appreciate the objectivity of   the author of Text A in presenting different viewpoints.3. Master the key language   points in Text A and learn how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural   background related to the content.5. Express themselves more   freely on the theme of Globalization   after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and   writing activities.6. Write an essay paying special   attention to coherence.1.让学生利用多媒体课件展示作业:全球化在我们生活中的表现。2. 小组分工,在课后练习的引导下,完成文章结构划分及主题归纳。3. 范例讨论、修改,学习如何使文章更通顺连贯。45Book FourUnit 5Never Judge by Appearances教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AA friend in need3. Text BNameless faces教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A.2. Appreciate how powerful contrast is in   delineating a person’s character.3. Master the key language   points in Text A and learn how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural   background related to the content.5. Express themselves more   freely on the theme of Never Judge by Appearance   after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and   writing activities.6. Fill out a remittance application form.1.小组讨论:什么是真正的朋友,描述你最好的朋友。2. 分角色朗读课文,归纳人物性格特征。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。46Book FourUnit 6The Pace of Life教学内容:1. Listening Task2.   Text AOld Father Time Becomes A   Terror 3.   Text BLife in Fast Lane教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A.2. Learn to distinguish   supporting facts from opinions, and to use both in their own writings.3. Master the key language   points in Text A and learn how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural   background related to the content.5. Express themselves more   freely on the theme of The Pace of Life   after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and   writing activities.6. Write an essay paying special   attention to conciseness.1.让学生观看电影片段,讨论文章主题。2. 小组分工,在课后练习的引导下,完成文章结构划分及主题归纳。3. 写作技巧分析,讨论在文章中用到的写作方法。4. 作文范例讨论、修改,学习如何使句子更简洁。47Book FourUnit 7The 9/11 Terrorist Attack教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text A Snapshots of New   York’s Mood after 9/113. Text B Reflections on 9/11[1]教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A.2. Appreciate the objectivity of   the author of Text A in presenting different viewpoints.3. Master the key language   points in Text A and learn how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural   background related to the content.5. Express themselves more   freely on the theme The 9/11 Terrorist   Attack after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking   and writing activities.6. Write an essay paying special   attention to proposition. 1.通过观看视频,让学生了解911事件始末。2.让学生从结构到词汇讲解课文部分章节。3. 完成课后练习的方式进一步巩固所学到的重点单词和表达方式。48Book FourUnit 8Go Travelling教学内容:1. Listening Task2. Text AIn the Jungle3. Text BTravel with Sandy教学要求:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A   .2. Appreciate a fluid and   sensual writing style.3. Master the key language   points in Text A and learn how to use them in context.4. Understand the cultural   background related to the content.5. Express themselves more   freely on the theme Go Travelling after   doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.6. Write to resort hotel requesting that a   room be reserved.1. 课堂展示:描述你去过的最美丽的地方。2. 在老师指导下完成文章结构及词汇方面的练习3. 根据图片,两两对话,模拟课文情景。4.分析写作范例,掌握写作方法。4实验实践第一册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book OneUnit 1Traces of the past教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about past events and their impacts on the present.2. Listen for specific information.3. Keep a conversation going.4. Conduct an interview.  1. Ask the students to think of the activities they can do at   weekends and tell their partner their favorite activities and the reason why   they like it.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   listen for specific information.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to keep a conversation going.2  2Book OneUnit 2A break for fun教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about various leisure activities.2. Listen for words and expressions for describing people’s   appearance. 3. Ask for and give recommendations .4. Describe a past event.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss how often they go   to the cinema and what films they saw last time. They also talk about their   favorite films, actors, and actresses.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   identify words and expressions for describing people’s appearance.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to ask for and give recommendations.2  3Book OneUnit 3Life moments教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about unusual experiences.2. Listen for time-order signal words and expressions.3. Make phone calls.4. Make a radio program on unusual experiences.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   some questions based on their own unusual experiences.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn time-order   signal words and expressions.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to make phone calls.2课时4Book OneUnit 4Getting from A to B教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about different types of transportation.2. Ask yourself information questions before listening.3. Make and respond to apologies.4. Deal with problems when traveling.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about travel experiences of their   families that they like best and give two or three reasons and tell what they   have learned from this trip.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and listen for specific information.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice different ways to make and respond to apologies.2  5Book OneUnit 5 Relax and Explore教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about different kinds of holidays and interesting places.2. Listen for people’s preferences by identifying comparatives.3. Make and take orders in a restaurant4. Introduce a town/city of China.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss which kinds of   holidays they like most.2. Lead the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   listen for people’s preferences by identifying comparatives.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to make and take orders in a restaurant.2  6Book OneUnit 6Wit and fit教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about your lifestyle.2. Predict a change of thought.3. Talk about health problems.4. Report on a sports survey.  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the good habits and bad habitsand   give advice to each other. 2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to get   signal words for indicating a change of thought.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to see a doctor and have a proper doctor-patient conversations.2  7Book OneUnit 7Weird, wild and wonderful 教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about nature and environmental issues.2. Use numbers, symbols and abbreviations in note-taking.3. Make guesses.4. Talk about a well-preserved amazing place.1. Ask the students to talk about the environmental issues and   whether they like to live in the country or in the city in groups.2. Ask the students to give a presentation based on the notes   taken in listening task.3. Ask the students to work in pairs and do the quiz on page118.2  8Book OneUnit 8Money matters教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about shopping hobbies and money-making ideas.2. Use a table to organize notes.3. Buy things in shops.4. Discuss which profession should get the highest/lowest pay.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   shopping hobbies and money-making ideas.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to use   a table to organize notes while listening.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to buy things in shops.2    第二册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book TwoUnit 1Life is a learning curve教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about learning experience.2. Listen for signal words for listing3. Give and respond to advice.4. Talk about learning/ teaching methods.  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the difficulties while learning English and give advice to each other .2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to get   signal words for listing.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to give sincere and constructive advice in a polite way and   respond properly.2  2Book TwoUnit 2Journey into the unknown教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about your own traveling experience.2. Understand the problem-solution pattern.3. Ask for and give directions.4. Make a plan of dream journey1. Get the students to watch the whole clip of the podcast for its   general idea. Then get them to watch the podcast part by part and do the   corresponding learning tasks.2. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss the following   questions based on their own experiences.3. Ask the students to try to find the differences between American   English and British English, especially in pronunciation and intonation.2  3Book TwoUnit 3Time out教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about leisure activities.2. Listen for information about plans.3. Manage phone problems.4. Plan a perfect day  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   different activities people can do in their spare time.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   listen for information about plans.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to manage phone calls.2  4Book TwoUnit 4Life under the spotlight教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about fame and celebrities.2. Understand cause and effect.3. Make requests and offers.4. Debate on whether we should hold on to our dreams.  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   fame then describe your favorite famous person.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   understand cause and effect.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to make requests in a polite way and how to make offers.2  5Book TwoUnit 5Urban pulse教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about city life.2. Understand pros and cons.3. Make and respond to complaints.4. Recommend the best city to live in.   1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the important criteria for a good city and the best city for living.. 2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn to understand   pros and cons.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to make and respond to complaints.2  6Book TwoUnit 6Climbing the career ladder教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about jobs and working experiences.2. Identify examples in speeches and conversations. 3. Express likes or dislikes.4. Come up with a money-making idea. 1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the work situations of the people with a job.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and identify   examples in speeches and conversations.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to express likes and dislikes.2  7Book TwoUnit 7Time of technology: A blessing or a curse?教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about technology around us.2. Listen for agreement and disagreement. 3. Express essentiality.4. Talk about experiences and feelings of playing computer games .1. Work in pairs and discuss how often do you and your partner do   these things on page 110.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and listen for   agreement and disagreement.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to express essentiality.2  8Book TwoUnit 8Discovering your true identity教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about your family.2. Take notes in a T-chart.3. Introduce an opinion.4. Create a new identity in a computer game.  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the difficulties while learning English and giving advices to each other. 2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   take notes in a T-chart.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to introduce an opinion.2  第三册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book ThreeUnit 1Access to success教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about success.2. Take notes by using a keyword outline.3. Refer to what you said earlier.4. Talk about a challenge / an achievement.5. Have a basic understanding of public speaking.1. Ask the students to read some quotes and discuss the question:   what is success? Then report to the class.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   take notes by using a keyword outline. 3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to refer to what you said earlier.2  2Book ThreeUnit 2Emotions speak louder than   words教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about different emotions.2. Identify the problem-solution pattern in listening.3. Give news in an appropriate way. 4. Present memorable moments that you have experienced in life.5. Lean the overall organization of a speech.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss their emotions   and the best thing that has happened to them that year.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   identify the problem-solution pattern in listening.3. Get the students to work in groups and carry out role play exercises to   practice how to give news in an appropriate way.2  3Book Three Unit 3Love your neighbor教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about neighbors and communities.2. Distinguish fact from opinions in listening.3. Learn how to tell a story.4. Talk about planning a community.5. Know the rules about language use in public speaking. 1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   what do you think to make a good or bad neighbor and the best or worst   neighbor they’ve ever had.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to distinguish   fact from opinion.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to g tell a story.2  4Book ThreeUnit 4What’s the big idea教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about inventions and creative ideas.2. Predict the theme and relevant vocabulary before you listen.3. Propose ideas and comment on ideas while brainstorming.4. Present your business idea.5. Learn to use voice, body language and visual aids effectively   in speech delivery.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the pictures in opening up and name some good and bad inventions and give   reasons.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to get   signal words for listing.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to practice   how to use physical behavior and visual tools when they are speaking English.2  5Book ThreeUnit 5 More than a paycheck教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about different jobs.2. Listen for contrast.3. Manage a meeting / discussion.4.Talk about a typical day in life.5. Make an informative speech in topical order.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss the qualities   they need to do their future ideal job.2. Lead the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   listen for contrast in order to better understand the concession or   opposition in a context.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to make a meeting or discussion.2  6Book ThreeUnit 6Histories make men wise教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about important events and people in history.2. Make inferences.3. Express uncertainty.4. Talk about an imaginary history.5. Make an informative speech in chronological or spatial order.  1. Ask the   students to work in pairs and discuss questions about the important   developments in history and their impacts.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   make inferences and get a better understanding of the listening comprehension.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to express different levels of uncertainty.2  7Book ThreeUnit 7For every question there is an   answer教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about solutions to problems.2. Listen for specific information.3. Request and respond properly. 4. Present an invention.5. Make an introduction speech.1. Ask the students to match the solutions in the box to the   problems on page132.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   listen for specific information.3. Get the students torole-   play a situation about how to make request and respond.2  8Book ThreeUnit 8Communication: then and now教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about different ways of communication.2. Listen for speaker’s prediction.3. Deal with misunderstandings.4. Conduct a survey on the means of communication.5. Make an acceptance speech.  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss how they prefer   to communicate with their friends, parents, leaders and the boy or girl whom   they love.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   listen for speaker’s prediction.3. Get the students to work in groups to conduct a questionnaire   survey for a company that is going to develop a new program for online   communication.2    第四册序号教学项目教学内容与教学要求活动设计建议参考课时1Book FourUnit 1How we behave is who we are教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about good and bad behavior in public places.2. Take notes in a T-chart.3. Handle an awkward situation.4. Talk about a difficult decision5. Make a persuasive speech ..1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about good   or bad manners you experienced recently.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn to take   notes in a T-chart.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to use polite forms of expression, fillers, modifiers to handle   an awkward situation.2  2Book FourUnit 2Getting older, getting wiser?教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about future hopes and plans.2. Learn how to organize notes in listening.3. Ask for clarification in speaking.4. Discuss life at different ages.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   future hopes and plans .2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   organize notes in listening.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to take notes about the callers’ problems and the presenters’   opinions.2  3Book FourUnit 3Discovering your niche holiday教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about leisure time.2. Identify the meaning of a new word or term in listening.3. Describe procedures.4. Talk about leisure activities and their meaningfulness.5. Make a persuasive speech organized in the motivated sequence.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   how they spend their leisure time and what are the benefits to society if   people are given more free time or holidays.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   identify the meaning of a new word or term in listening.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to describe procedures.4. Ask the students to work in groups and prepare a presentation   about the most meaningful leisure activity.2  4Book FourUnit 4Solving problems &seeking happiness教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about social issues.2. Identify supporting details in listening.3. Support a viewpoint in speaking.4. Learn how to conduct a happiness survey.5. Make an impromptu speech  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   money and happiness.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   identifying supporting details.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to support your viewpoint with specific materials to make it   sharp and strong, clear and convincing.2  5Book FourUnit 5Art expands horizons教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about the arts that you enjoy.2. Listen for favor and disfavor.3. Give a tour of a place.4. Talk about movies you’ve seen.5. Give a formal toast speech.   1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the activities they did in the past six months and the activity they would   like to try most in the next few months .2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn to listen   for favor and disfavor.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to give a tour of a place.2  6Book FourUnit 6Mass media: 24/7 coverage教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about different forms of news media.2. Learn how to follow a narrative in listening.3. Learn how to add emphasis in speaking.4. Talk about TV programs you like.5. Give an after-dinner speech.1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   different forms of news media. 2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   follow a narrative in listening.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to add emphasis in speaking.4. Ask the students to describe and comment on the TV programs   they like.2  7Book FourUnit 7Trouble in modern times教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about fears in life.2. Use information questions to understand a story. 3. Learn how to report an incident.4. Negotiate choices for a difficult or dangerous situation.5. Make a graduation speech.1. Work in pairs and discuss how often do you and your partner do   these things on page 133.2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and use information   questions to understand a story.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to report an incident.2  8Book FourUnit 8Every body has a story to tell教学内容:1. Listening to the world2. Speaking for communication 3. Further practice in listening教学要求:1. Talk about reading experience.2. Understand idioms and phrases. 3. Express likes and dislikes.4. Tell a personal experiences to prove or disprove a saying.5. Give a farewell speech.  1. Ask the students to work in pairs and discuss questions about   the difficulties while learning English and giving advices to each other. 2. Ask the students to do the listening tasks and learn how to   understand idioms and phrases for listing.3. Get the students to carry out role play exercises to   practice how to express likes and dislikes.2  (六)教学建议1.教学方法:根据英语课程的性质特点,在教学过程中注重强化学生的语言知识、训练语言技能和提高语言交际能力,讲练结合,培养学生自主学习的能力。并充分利用多媒体、网络等现代化教学手段,使教学内容更直观,更有趣,效果更好。2.评价方法:建议学生成绩考核由平时成绩和期末成绩两部分构成,平时成绩由口语考试、随堂测试、出勤及课堂表现等构成,占30%;期末成绩采用闭卷考试形式,占70%。3.教学条件:(1)师资条件:授课教师必须是国家正规院校毕业的,具有英语专业本科以上学历的,已经取得高校教师资格证的,且有一定大学英语教学经验的教师。专职教师19人,其中副教授4人,占21.1%;讲师14人,占73.6%;助教1人,占5.3%,获得硕士学位16人,占84.2%。(2)教学资源:本课程集听说读写于一体,既强调理论教学,更强调实践教学,多媒体和网络教学条件应具备。4.教材选编:由于学生基础知识结构及培养目标的特殊性,建议使用“十二五”国家规划教材。                                                                                 执笔:尹晓琴、孟坤                                    审核:王汉成                                    审定:付有龙                                                                         2016年10月12日

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